Favourite Apps

This page is simply an index of posts about my favourite apps.

5K & parkrunner (parkrun apps)





Elevate (brain training)

FolderSync Pro (synchronisation)

Google (I use a variety of Google apps)

iA Writer (distraction-free markdown editor)

ISS Detector Pro


Met Office

Microsoft 365 & OneNote

MyMoney Pro (budgeting)

OS Maps

Pocket Casts

Purple Diary

Rain Alarm Pro: A friend recommended this, and it really is one of the best weather apps available. It does what it says on the tin (as the saying goes) and alerts you when rain is in your immediate area.


SD Maid SE Pro

Simplenote is a cross-platform app/website that has one feature that is especially useful. You can use it to publish a page on the web with a simple click, share the link with your audience, and remove the page just as easily at any time. But it’s far more than that and can be used for a variety of purposes.



Tasks (Google)

XEQ (equaliser)

Zettel Notes

Zoho Notebook

Note: this page is a work in progress.